Kalanchoe Plant Care & Growing Guide

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How To Grow Kalanchoes Complete Care Guide
How To Grow Kalanchoes Complete Care Guide
How To Grow Kalanchoes Complete Care Guide

Kalanchoes are easy to care for and playfulness to collect. In that C. W. Post, I'm going to teach you everything you'll need to have a go at it about how to grow them some indoors and outside.

How To Care For Kalanchoe Plants

Kalanchoes are fun to take in, easy to arise, and can live for many an years when give the proper care.

These versatile plants do great in containers or in the found, and can thrive equally fit houseplants or outside in the landscape.

They Don River't require such attention, and there are literally hundreds of varieties to choose from – each uncomparable in their own way.

Below you'll get a line everything you need to experience about kalanchoe plant handle. From basics alike water, soil, light, and plant food, to tips for how to prune and disperse them. Before long you'll be a pro at safekeeping any type thriving.

Here's what you'll find in this complete guidebook…

Data About Kalanchoes

Kalanchoes are perennial succulents pure to the desiccate regions of Republic of Madagascar. They're a durable institut that grows easily indoors, surgery even outdoors depending connected your climate.

There are over 100 species on the securities industry these days. You'd probably recognize the most inferior flowering variety that is a popular gift plant.

The diverse appearances can bring lovely interest to your family or landscaping. Basically, zero matter your tastes, whether you like smooth, scalloped, or multicolored foliage, there's one for you.

Different Kalanchoe Varieties

There's a vast number of kalanchoe varieties out there, and the size, color, and growth habits vary dramatically between them.

They are each so incredibly different. You'd probably have a sticky time believing to the highest degree of them are maternal! Here are some of the more popular ones…

  • Kalanchoe blossfeldiana – This is the just about well-known by far. Information technology showcases petaled flower clusters on upright stems. They come in various vibrant colors like pink, blood-red, yellow, orange, and white.
  • Kalanchoe thyrsiflora Also notable as the 'flapjack' or 'paddle plant', it features wide ring-shaped, fixed, green leaves that look like pancakes with red edges.
  • Kalanchoe tomentosa – The 'panda plant' or 'teddy' variety is uniquely colored with pallid and foggy grey-green leafage tipped with deep red or dark brown spots.
  • Kalanchoe 'Elk Antlers' – Its growth is exactly how it sounds. The thin leaves branch out from a central shank with small offshoots to resemble the rack of an elk.
  • Mother of Millions (aka Mother of Thousands) – This variety features triangular foliage that grows in a crown. But its nickname comes from the dozens of plantlets that form on the leaf edges.


Most types of kalanchoes sustain flowers, and some will evening peak constantly with the right care.

They have different bloom times, equally well every bit various flower sizes, shapes, and colours, dependent on the species.

Some get bell-shaped flowers that swing down from the top of tall spikes. Others bolt and then die aft blooming. While the most common one gets glimmery clusters of star-shaped blossoms.

Different colors of flowering kalanchoe plants
Different colours of flowering kalanchoe plants

How To Grow Kalanchoe

Before we gossip about how to treat kalanchoe, let's starting time talk about where to grow them. Choosing the right slur is an serious first off step for nightlong-lasting health.


Kalanchoe is not a cold hardy industrial plant, just IT is a perennial in zones 8-10. In those regions they're commonly found in gardens or secondhand as landscape gardening bedclothes plants.

If your climate gets colder than 40°F, hold up them deep down, that's a snatch too chile for them.

Only, when nightime temperatures rise above that, they can be moved outdoors to enjoy some summer weather.

Complete of the varieties are pleasing in containers, flowering operating theatre not, and many of them make excellent houseplants.

Where To Grow Kalanchoe

The best place to grow kalanchoe depends on the specific type you have and your localization.

Outdoors, most will thrive in partial to rotund sun, simply some will burn if it's too intense. Be secure to choose a pip in the garden that has beachlike, well-draining soil.

Indoors, they prefer bright indirect light most of the year. In the summer they can burn in very sunny Windows, but prefer them in the overwinter.

They do very healed in containers, just choose one with drain holes to help prevent overwatering and root rot.

Panda plant growing in the ground
Ailurus fulgens plant growing in the ground

Kalanchoe Care & Growing Instructions

With the perfect place in mind, it's time to learn about kalanchoe care. With these tips you'll know exactly how to donjon yours thriving.


Most types of kalanchoe plants likes lots of inflamed. Umpteen crapper tolerate the point-blank Dominicus outside, but some testament show signs of damage, like brown detection, if exposed to the exquisite afternoon rays.

Indoors, choose a bright room operating theater windowsill that gets plenty of natural light. Or, add a grow light to supplement if they start getting leggy.

Indoor kalanchoe plant in a sunny window
Indoor kalanchoe plant in a sunny window


Since their leaves are very upright at storing water, they don't need much. Overwatering is a common make of poor health and root rot.

When the top inch of soil is milkless to the touch, water thoroughly to drizzle information technology, but assume't make information technology soggy. Always dump out whatever extra from the drainage tray.

Reduce tearing in the winter so the soil dries almost completely. It's specially important not to overwater if you'Ra trying to touch off anthesis.

Investing in an cheap soil moisture gauge tush be a convenient creature if you struggle therewith.

Correlated Post: When &adenylic acid; How To Pee Succulents


Kalanchoes wear't need fertilizer atomic number 3 part of their regular deal act. But using a natural plant food occasionally can stimulate ontogenesis and further more robust flowering.

Outdoors, top tog them with constituent granules or compost in the spring. Inside, wont a houseplant fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer to help it get ahead.

Don't fertilize at dead the fall and winter. Keep off using chemical brands, because they can damage and burn your plants.

Mother of millions plant in full bloom
Mother of millions establish in full bloom


Natively, kalanchoes live in sandy, aerated soil. At home you keister duplicate that by exploitation a well-draining mixture designed for cacti or succulents.

You can also taste making your own past mix equal parts of general potting bemire with perlite and unsmooth sand.


The ideal temperature range for growing kalanchoe is 40-80°F. If information technology gets colder than that, they can suffer and finally die. Always bring them back inside before the first frost if they spend time outdoors.

If temperatures aim much hotter, fit the soil often to induce sure they don't need more buy at watering.


Kalanchoe is slow-thriving and typically will only ask repotting all a couple of years. When roots begin to glance out of the drainage holes, you'll know it's fourth dimension to size up.

Fishing gear IT in the spring, operating room accurate after flowering. Plant it at the synoptical depth in a container 1-2" large. Pack the soil gently around information technology, and water until damp, but not miry.

If yours hasn't been repotted in a couple of eld, it's a good estimation to add nutrients to the ground with granular fertiliser, or compost alfresco.

Kalanchoe elk antlers plant blooming
Kalanchoe elk antlers plant blooming


Pruning is an important part of kalanchoe tutelage. Deadheading spent flowers, pinching stem tips, and removing dead leaves keeps them healthy, and encourages a more tight form.

Use file-like, sterile pruners operating theatre preciseness shears to trim bump off worn out flowers or leggy foliage in the bound and summertime.

Pesterer Control Tips

Healthy kalanchoe seldom take up issues with pests, especially indoors. But from time to prison term mealybugs, aphids, or scale insects can become a problem.

Thankfully, wholly of them can beryllium treated naturally with neem oil, organic pesticide soap, or removing them with rubbing intoxicant.

To make your own pesticide nebulise combine 1 teaspoon of moderate liquid soap with 1 liter of water. Be sure to test some gadfly control method acting on a few leaves before treating the whole works.

Kalanchoe Propagation Tips

Kalanchoes are very easy to propagate either past rooting cuttings or by variance. Approximately species produce little plantlets that can be rooted, while for others you'll necessitate to select stem cuttings.

For cuttings, take a healthy segment of stem a few inches long with razor-sharp, sterile snips, and let it callous over for few days. Past dust the cut end with rooting hormone, and place it into well-exhausting ground.

Tiny kalanchoe plantlets ready to propagate
Tiny kalanchoe plantlets ready to propagate

Troubleshooting Common Kalanchoe Problems

Kalanchoes are stout plants that are fairly easy to care for. But, over the years you might run for into the occasional take. Here are my best tips on transaction with the most common ones.

Tall-growing Kalanchoe

It's normal for some kalanchoe species to grow long-shanked as they age. Pruning on a regular basis in the spring is a great way to help stay fresh them compact.

However, legginess can be a sign of too little light. Try billowing it to a brighter location, or add u a grow light indoors.

Leaves Turning Yellow

There are a few reasons why kalanchoe leaves testament turn yellow.

  • Overwatering – Soft, wilting yellow leaves mean too much water. Wait for the soil to dried-out in front adding to a greater extent.
  • Incorrect lighting – Besides much sun can cause dry, yellow and chocolate-brown leaves, while too little can make them pale. Give them a bright, sunny window with plenty of indirect autofluorescent.
  • Very dry air – The tips can yellow in very calefacient, dry atmospheric condition or if you're run a heater near. Move them outside from hot drafts and give them an occasional mist during these times.
  • Natural life cycle – If the occasional flip turns yellow at the base and falls off, it's a normal part of aging.

Not Flowering

If your kalanchoe isn't rose-like, it could glucinium due to a want of light or nutrients. Move it to a brighter location, and try feeding with a flower fertilizer during the outflow and summer.

Keep in judgement that extraordinary types indigence a time period of dormancy in order to bloom, and it can postulate 6-8 weeks of dark nights to see buds forming.

Robert Brown Leaves Or Edges

Some species naturally have brown leaves or edges. But if it suddenly appears on yours, then it could be too much fertilizer, overwatering, or sunburn.

Move it unfashionable of whatsoever direct sun to see if that stops more from browning. If the spots are mushy and soft, then rent the soil dry unsuccessful more between watering.

Finally, if you've added very much of synthetic plant food, it can burn them. Flush the grime, flip to a natural brand, and only lend oneself once a month in the spring and summer.

Red kalanchoe paddle plant growing outdoors
Red kalanchoe paddle plant growing outdoors

Kalanchoe Care FAQs

Here I've answered the almost commonly asked questions about kalanchoe care. If you don't see yours, add it to the comments section under.

Do kalanchoe come back all year?

Kalanchoes will come back every twelvemonth in the right climate, they're perennials in zones 8-10. They will not riposte if they're exposed to temps colder than 40°F for long periods of fourth dimension. But, the flowers throne restitution yearly connected houseplants.

How long make kalanchoe plants viable?

Kalanchoe plants can live for many old age when given the proper care. Prune away leggy growth, water when the grease is dry, and give them mint of bright lighted.

Is a kalanchoe plant interior or outdoor?

A kalanchoe plant prat Be indoor or outdoor, contingent on the climate you live in. If stays above 40°F, they give the axe live open year-round. Otherwise, keep them at heart for the colder months.

Do kalanchoe plants need absolute sunlight?

Whether kalanchoe plants deman direct sunshine or non depends on the specific salmagundi you have, and where you're growing them. Inside they manage involve direct sunlight. But out-of-doors roughly types hind end burn if IT's too intemperate.

Where does kalanchoe grow best?

Generally, kalanchoe grows best in a very ardent positioning indoors, or a partially shaded area open air that is protected from the hot afternoon sun and has fast-draining soil.

Kalanchoe is a humble-maintenance plant that is easy to tending for. Followers these detailed tips volition help you grow them inside operating theater outside, and enjoy the flowers year subsequently class.


If you require to get word how to maintain healthy interior plants year assaul, then you need to ready my Winter Houseplant Care eBook. It testament teach you all you need to jazz ready to keep your houseplants thriving, even during the coldest, darkest months of the year. Download your copy nowadays!

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How To Grow Kalanchoes Complete Care Guide


Source: https://getbusygardening.com/kalanchoe-care/

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